Velvet Underground & Nico

Velvet Underground & Nico Overview

When the Velvets recorded this debut, they were best known as the protégés of Andy Warhol (who designed the sleeve), and as a grating, combustive live band. Fueled by drummer Moe Tucker's no-nonsense wham and John Cale's howling viola, some of the straight-up rock & roll and arty noise extravaganzas here bear that out. But before Lou Reed was singing about sadomasochism and drug deals and writing lyrics inspired by his favorite poets, he was a pop songwriter, and this album has some of his prettiest tunes, mostly sung by Nico, the German dark angel who left the band after this disc. Even the sordid rockers are underscored by graceful pop tricks, like the two-chord flutter at the center of the classic "Heroin." --Douglas Wolk

Customer Reviews

One thing I think is important to remember the influence of the Velvet Underground.

Well, back when their debut album was released, most people do not want * to the Velvet Underground by time of day. Why should they? These guys have not had the brilliant creative and diverse board of the Beatles, rock and roll style perfect Rolling Stones or the Kinks WHO and melodic hooks.

Why then as a Velvet Underground? Simple, they wereincredibly influential. Perhaps more influential than most might think.

You see, this album has the catchiest melodies in the world, is not the worlds greatest emotional harmonies or instrumental performance, and the lyrics are not always or first class (with the exception of "heroin", which lyrically a masterpiece ).

But none of that matters at all. In reality, who knows if the album feels a bit 'empty compared to the legendary Beatles, Rolling Stones and Who cares? TheThe point is that the Velvet Underground were at least the first two albums, responsible for creating a very different sound. A loud sound too. It makes a noise that there is absolutely no surprise to not end up in the late '60s. The people were not ready by then.

The loud noise that seemed to invent not be underestimated. You see, this unique sound was responsible for creating the punk rock movement. We are talking about a lot of talk before, but thefirst rock band to give the world a new sound that is heard time. A sound was so dirty and rough, that does not mean in the time it was prepared to assess. It was not intended to be given a chance, then again.

Now I would say that their debut album sounds decidedly dated. The vocal melodies are definitely stuck in the late '60s, but then again so are a few Beatles and songs, and nobody takes care of that ... and should not care. No matter. WhatIt 'important that the Velvet Underground album completely original published here. This makes the album an important milestone in the history of rock and a story which should see all the books.

And 'funny to think that people are finally able to this album, but at the end of the '60s do not appreciate this album a chance to win a majority. The weather was kind to this. The Velvet Underground are a band not to underestimate * *.

How popular isThe punk rock movement in those days? Well, I guess, very popular. Even more popular progressive rock, which I think (but I could be wrong here, but I think you're more likely to encounter a punk rocker as a prog rocker on the road).

Yes, the album banana if you will, is the debut of the Velvet Underground more or less light to the world of originality, and despite what I said, including the album, however, says, yes, some very vocal melodies good, such as thefound on the opener and "all parties tomorrow." My favorite is lyrically creepy "Heroin". A song that I originally 10 years ago, when I heard for the first time during the rapid development of this song is not so attractive, the lyrics very well.

In fact, the lyrics are a different matter that the album stands alongside other artists in the late '60s. The band was not afraid to be honest. What arguments would have attracted them to do a song, you knowyou honestly say he has seen. This is a good thing because it's * only *. It is an approach that is now considered rather gutsy original, and rightly so. We live in a time when honest and sharp lyrics is to write very popular, and the Velvet Underground was probably one of the few bands that opened the door for these 60 artists.

So yes, the Velvet Underground shows, it is possible to create a classic album, despite some bumps and a tone ofSo the album was recorded, because honestly none of it, if you have questions about Such a major influence on how these guys and Able to support them with honest lyrics and original. The Velvet Underground live.

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